Four Leaf Public Relations

Find your story

What We Do

Four Leaf Public Relations

Find Your Story

Four Leaf Public Relations offers a proprietary Positioning, Messaging & Storytelling Process. We bring our proven methodology and experience to one of the most important things you can do – describing who you are.

Why is Positioning, Messaging & Storytelling important?

Well, people talk. All the time. About everything and everyone. On the phone, on e-mail, in conference rooms, to each other in the hallway, words pass from one person to another without a second thought. They also don’t read like they used to. We skim documents. We look for the pictures and video.

So, your words better count.

Whether you know it or not, when it comes to describing your company or organization, you are delivering messages that set people on a path to either include you or exclude you from their future.

Without proactively choosing one’s language an organization is leaving it up to their employees – or even their customers – to describe the good works and products they offer in whatever way they choose. You wouldn’t leave your finances up to chance, so why treat your reputation that way?

When should I consider Proactive Positioning, Messaging & Storytelling?

Clients and customers, vendors, investors, partners, and employees may be listening, but do they remember what you say?

How much does your company description move people to respond in the way you wish? How many listeners actually say in response to your elevator pitch, tell me more?

The best time to start positioning and messaging work is when you answer the questions above with “I’m not sure.”

As your organization and market grows and changes, you may have found the messages and day-to-day language you use no longer creates the excitement, image, or community and market reputation that it once had. Or, the competition is getting more attention. Perhaps your organization is about to launch a new product or service or make some other significant change in the way you do business.

Regardless of whether messages need refreshing or developed from scratch, proactive positioning and messaging will help you rise above the competition, bring customers closer to you faster, and enhance your image. Ultimately, with powerful messages, you will find yourself moving nearer to the place you wish to be.

What is the Four Leaf process?

The Four Leaf method is a proprietary technique that involves a series of facilitated meetings with an organization’s leadership over several weeks in addition to background and intelligence-gathering about the organization, its market and its customers to help set the stage for educated message development.

The process is methodology-driven and tested and culminates in a customized guide. The guide includes strategies for positioning the organization in the marketplace, language defined for various uses, a plan for strategic, consistent use of messages and ideas for roll out.

What is the outcome of the Four Leaf method?

Four Leaf’s process provides leaders with the tools necessary to ensure an organization is positioned correctly and powerfully to the marketplace, media, staff, community leaders, investors, strategic partners, vendors, and potential and existing clients and customers. It also brings consensus to employees, senior management, business units and divisions about where the organization is and where it is headed. At the end of the process, you and your people will have a clear understanding about how to talk about the group and be armed with an arsenal of messages to use − key to creating a strong brand.

Dozens of corporations, non profits and other organizations having undergone Four Leaf’s Positioning and Messaging process over the last several years. Call Suzanne Henry today to see how our work can help you get closer to your business objectives.

Four Leaf Public Relations

Tell Your Story

Public Relations Campaigns

Want stronger visibility in your community?

Four Leaf has extensive experience in creating strategic partnerships with key organizations, managing events, and raising awareness in local and regional communities through a variety of public relations strategies.

Need to strengthen your brand?

Your customers have ideas -- correctly or incorrectly -- of where you stand in all the areas mentioned above. Four Leaf branding programs marry advertising, public relations and other creative services to create powerful branding campaigns that create the image you want.

Want the press to cover your business?

Four Leaf specializes in delivering “wish-list” media placements, both nationally and regionally. Where do you want to read your name?

Need a stronger social media presence?

Our real-world social media campaigns help you cut through the noise and use these elusive channels to your best advantage.

Need a content strategy?

Four Leaf can design specialty communications products for that unique edge, design a variety of materials, both electronic and print, which bring new and repeat customers to your door, develop advertising campaigns, from creative services to placement, and provide a variety of writing functions and materials including promotional, feature articles and columns, Web-based writing, e-mail newsletters, convention materials, guest columns, and presentations.

Four Leaf Public Relations

Set Up Your Success

Strategic Counsel & Communications Planning

Perhaps you already have an in-house communications team that can execute your plans. An outside voice, however, can bring a new perspective. Our consulting services are meant to partner with the great minds you already employ.

Don’t know what is wrong but know things could be better?

Our communications audits and assessments will help bring clarity to established efforts and help identify where they could be strengthened – or where you can no longer needlessly spend resources.

Need help in discovering your vision?

Not just a fluffy "consulting exercise," vision sessions create a solid vision for your company. Having a clear vision is key to ensuring company-wide continuity. A well-crafted vision ensures your target audiences understands who you are and where you are going, makes sure the right messages are being sent and received, and keeps your employees and stakeholders on the right track.

Messages need clarifying? Need a strong market position?

Having appropriate messages that everyone -- from employees to your customers -- can understand and use is key to creating the right positioning. Four Leaf associates will work with your management team to hone your company's messages, benefits, and product and service offerings into well-defined and crafted messages that will cause your target audience to act.


Four Leaf Public Relations LLC
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
Office +1 434-972-7278 • Mobile +1 434-989-2108